West Ottawa High School

Panther Pipeline

Preparing ALL students to be college, career and life ready!   #GOWO!

Stay in the know: Up to date info


Early Release Schedule

Is your child 16-18, register (or preregister) to VOTE!


Michigan Law requires that public schools make voter registration information available to students. Section 496a.(9) of PA 258

Attendance Pilot

Attendance Policy (Pilot) at WOHS for 2024-25

Learning Opportunities!

WOHS Student Learning Opportunities.pdf
WOHS Student Learning Opportunities - Spanish (1).pdf

Attendance matters!  

There is a significant and direct link between attendance in high school and graduation.  Want your child to be successful? The first step is to get them here. Every hour. Every day. 

Great sites for great tips: 

General info: Schedules, dates, announcements & more

Need to talk to your counselor? 

See our Counseling Page for more information!

               Important Dates!

Visit our Important Dates page to stay up to date on 'all the things'. 

Download the 9-12 Calendar


See our: 

- Weekly Announcements

- and our school's WOBN announcements! 

Students: Get involved today!•

WOHS has over 50 clubs and 29 sports.  

Get involved today! 

Help support our Panthers!

Food pantry

Help us fill our food pantry by bringing non-perishable items to the High School anytime!  

Need food assistance?  Please see Mrs. Spreitzer, spreitzere@westottawa.net,  or the office for more information.

Panther Fund

The Panther Fund provides financial assistance for all middle and high school students in West Ottawa Public Schools who desire to participate in athletics, arts, music, theater and academics and their ability to participate has been limited due to financial constraints.  The Panther Fund is an outside non-profit and we are thankful for their partnership.  Visit their website at: https://www.thepantherfund.org/ for more information. 


WinWO (When in Need West Ottawa) is an internal resource designed to help students in need of anything from school supplies and backpacks, to clothing, hygiene necessities, and glasses. This support is designed for all West Ottawa students Pk-12 and is funded by our Senior Survivor event (a week-long challenge in which 12 WOHS seniors live at the school and compete to raise money for this amazing fund).  Community and family partnerships are always welcomed during this time of giving within our schools.

Our team

Mrs. Kristine Jernigan, Principal - jernigank@westottawa.net

Mrs. Lindsay Cherry, Asst. Prinicipal - cherryl@westottawa.net

Mr. Brent Jandron, Asst. Principal - jandronb@westottawa.net

Mr. Brent Potts, Asst. Principal - pottsj@westottawa.net

Mrs. Michelle Woods, Asst. Principal & Dunes Director - woodsm@westottawa.net